50,845 research outputs found

    La experiencia constitucional gaditana y la Constitución portuguesa de 1822

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    Very soon, the 1812 Constitution of Cádiz became an archetype, the pattern to be followed by the liberalism, not only European but also Hispano-American. Consequently, when the liberal revolution took over in Portugal, there is little wonder that the text from Cádiz was taken in careful consideration in order to draft theConstitution. However, the Portuguese Constitution of 1822 introduced new and very important concepts with respect to the Spanish one, ten years older. In order to explain these changes it has been argued that the intention of the Portuguese constituents was to produce a more liberal draft than the 1812 Spanish Constitution. The present work deals with the hypotheses that the amendments introduced by authors of the 1822 Constitution were mainly due to their sound knowledge of the day-by-day political life of the Liberal Trienium, with the political and legal problems that the application of 1812 Spanish Constitution was bringing in the daily practice.La Constitución de Cádiz de 1812 se convirtió muy pronto en el arquetipo o modelo a seguir no sólo por el liberalismo europeo, sino también por el hispanoamericano. No es de extrañar, en consecuencia, que cuando triunfó la revolución liberal en Portugal, el Texto gaditano fuera muy tenido en cuenta a la hora de redactar la Constitución. Sin embargo, la Constitución portuguesa de 1822 introdujo importantes novedades con respecto a la Gaditana de 1812. Estos cambios se han intentando explicar desde la idea de que los constituyentes portugueses quisieron hacer una Constitución más liberal que la española. En este trabajo se parte de la hipótesis de que las modificaciones introducidas por los autores de la Constitución de 1822 obedecieron principalmente al buen conocimiento de la realidad política del Trienio Liberal y a los problemas político jurídicos que la aplicación de la Constitución de 1812 estaba ocasionando en la práctica

    Cádiz en charcas: conjeturas e indicios

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    Este es un artículo de historia constitucional. Se centra en la relación entre la Constitución española de 1812 y la Constitución boliviana de 1826. Su conclusión principal niega la idea de que, porque ambas fueron cartas liberales, la primera Constitución haya influenciado a la segunda.This is an essay on constitutional history. It focuses in the relation between the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and the Bolivian Constitution of 1826. Its main conclusion denies the assumption that because both were liberal charters, the first Constitution influenced the second one

    Visions of Cadiz: The Constitution of 1812 in Historical and Constitutional Thought

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    This chapter examines ways the Spanish Constitution of 1812, also known as the Constitution of Cddiz, has been viewed in historical and constitutional thought. The document is a liberal constitution establishing constitutional rights, a representative government, and a parliamentary monarchy. It influenced ideas of American equality within the Spanish Empire, and its traces are observed in the process of Latin American independence. To these accepted views, one must add that the Constitution was a lost moment in Latin American constitutional development. By the immediate politicization of constitutionalism after 1812, the document marks the beginning of constitutional difficulties in the region

    Education in Spanish Constitutionalism

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    En la historia del constitucionalismo español sólo hay tres constituciones en las que la educación ocupa un papel relevante: la Constitución de 1812, la Constitución de 1931 y la Constitución vigente de 1978. De las demás, las de 1837 y 1845 no regularon la educación, y las de 1869 y 1876 sólo lo hicieron desde el marco más restringido de la libertad de enseñanza y de los problemas que este derecho planteaba en la sociedad española. Mientras la Constitución de 1812 diseñó la creación de un sistema educativo nacional -muy problemático desde sus inicios-, y mientras la Constitución de 1931 sentó las bases de un sistema educativo moderno -con las consiguientes resistencias-, la Constitución de 1978 ha sido la única que, por consenso, ha dado a luz un sistema educativo democrático, sin que por ello las dificultades hayan dejado de ser relevantes. Este trabajo se ocupa de los problemas suscitados por las tres constituciones citadas, si bien se presta especial atención a la constitución vigente.In the history of Spanish Constitutionalism, there are only three Constitutions in which education is a relevant issue: the 1812 Constitution, the Constitution of 1931, and the current Constitution of 1978. Those of 1837 and 1845 did not regulate education and the Constitutions of 1869 and 1876 only approached education from the restricted framework of academic freedom and the problems posed by this right in Spanish Society. While the 1812 Constitution designed the creation of a national educational system –very problematic since its origins–, and while the 1931 Constitution laid the foundations of a modern educational system –with the consequent resistance–, the Constitution of 1978 has been the only one that through consensus has given birth to a democratic educational system, although not without significant difficulties. This paper addresses the problems raised by the three above mentioned Constitutions, paying particular attention to the current Constitution

    La Constitución Española de 1812 en Goya

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    We present the allegory of the Spanish Constitution engraved in 1812, and subsequently imitated by Goya in his portrait of king Fernando VII, painted in 1814 for the Town Hall of Santander. We explain the engraving of the Colossus, which seems to represent the position of the Moon on the constellation of Orion in the west on the evenings of March 19, 1812 and 1820. Thus this engraving becomes another allegory of the Spanish Constitution of 1812.Presentamos la alegoría de la Constitución Española grabada en 1812 que va a ser imitada por Goya en el retrato de Fernando VII realizado en 1814 para el Ayuntamiento de Santander. Se explica el grabado del Coloso que parece representar la situación de la Luna sobre la constelación de Orión en el ocaso de los días 19 de marzo de 1812 y de 1820, con lo que este grabado pasa a ser otra alegoría de la Constitución Española de 1812

    La Constitución de 1812 en Barcelona, 1833-43

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    Entre 1833 y 1837 una parte del liberalismo barcelonés defendió la Constitución de 1812 como una alternativa al Estatuto Real, si bien creía que debía ser reformada -en sentido avanzado, algunos, en sentido moderado, otros. Pero en 1837 quedó claro que sería reformada en sentido restrictivo. Entonces, los defensores de la soberanía nacional pasaron a defenderla en sentido estricto, sin reformas, como lo hicieron los periódicos Sancho Gobernador y El Popular. En 1842, el nuevo republicanismo de Abdón Terradas, en cambio, rechazó la Constitución de 1812 por monárquica, aunque integró en su proyecto político elementos gaditanos, como su proyecto de reforma de la Hacienda.Entre 1833 i 1837 una part del liberalisme barceloní va defensar la Constitució de 1812 com una alternativa a l'Estatut Reial, si bé creia que havia de ser reformada-en sentit avançat, alguns, en sentit moderat, altres. Però en 1837 va quedar clar que seria reformada en sentit restrictiu. Llavors, els defensors de la sobirania nacional van passar a defensar-la en sentit estricte, sense reformes, com ho van fer els diaris Sancho Governador i El Popular. En 1842, el nou republicanisme d'Abdón Terradas, en canvi, va rebutjar la Constitució de 1812 per monàrquica, encara que va integrar en el seu projecte polític elements gaditans, com el seu projecte de reforma de la Hisenda.Between 1833 and 1837, the 1812 Constitution was defended by an important fraction of liberalists in Barcelona as an alternative to the Estatuto Real. Despite this, most of liberals wanted the 1812 Constitution to be reformed -some for a more moderate whereas others to a more modern. In 1837 it became clear that it would be reformed to a more restrictive one. Then, the advocates of national sovereignty defended it rigorously, without any changes. This was the case of the newspapers Sancho Gobernador (october 1836 - january 1837) and El Popular (1841). In 1842, the new republicanism of Abdon Terradas rejected the 1812 Constitution claiming that it was monarchic. However, Terradas included some important elements of Cádiz liberalism, such as its Treasury reform project

    Military Liberalism on the East Florida Frontier : Implementation of the 1812 Constitution

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    The first quarter of the nineteenth century was a time of great political change in both Spain and its American empire. The French invasion of the Iberian Peninsula in 1808 led to a long war for independence, as the Spanish people and government sought to oust Napoleon\u27s troops and form a constitutional monarchy. During the war deputies from throughout the empirr formed the Cortes Generales, or National Assembly, in Cadiz and proclaimed the first Spanish constitution in 1812. The change of government in Spain had consequences for the American colonies, and scholars have pointed out the role played by the Cortes de Cadiz and the Constitution of 1812 as crucial to understanding the dissolution of the Spanish Empire. Very little has been written, however, about the reception of the constitution in Florida.2 Political historians, when dealing with this period have essentially focused on the Patriots War and the diplomatic relationship between ths United States and Spain overlooking the new legal and political system that was etablished in the territory between 1812 and 1814.

    Significado y aportes de la Constitución de Cádiz de 1812 en el constitucionalismo español e iberoamericano

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    El presente artículo tiene como objeto el estudio e influencia que tuvo la constitución de 1812, la carta magna del liberalismo español y de todo el continente iberoamericano. la aportación fundamental del estado constitucionalismo moderno, en donde se analiza no sólo su marco jurídico sino el contexto histórico e intelectual en que tuvo lugar la aparición del texto constitucional. la constitución de 1812 es no sólo el exponente más brillante del liberalismo español sino que constituye la expresión y el instrumento más consolidado -aunque no el único- del primer intento de realización de la revolución burguesa en españa e iberoamérica.The purpose of this article is to study the influence of the Constitution of 1812, which is the magna charta of Spanish and Latin American liberalism. This was the main Spanish contribution to modern constitutionalism. Its analysis includes not only its legal text itself but also its historic and intellectual context. The Constitution of 1812 is not only the most brilliant exponent of the Spanish liberalism but also it is the most consolidated expression of the first attempt to accomplish a bourgeois revolution in Spain and Latin America

    Florida\u27s First Constitution

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    The central square of St. Augustine, Florida, the Plaza de la Constitución, is not named for the United States Constitution. Instead, its name comes from Florida’s first constitution, the Spanish Constitution of Cádiz of 1812. Daily political life in Florida’s Spanish colonial cities was governed by this document, and cities like St. Augustine ordered their activities around the requirements, rights, and duties expressed in this constitution. The Constitution of Cádiz was the first truly transatlantic constitution because it applied to the entire Spanish empire, of which St. Augustine and Pensacola were just a part. It was drafted by representatives from around the empire who gathered in the southern Spanish city of Cádiz while Spain battled against Napoleonic forces. Even before Florida became a territory of the United States, it was subject to a constitution that divided government into the three branches so familiar to us all: legislative, executive, and judicial. The Constitution of Cádiz has many modern aspects that have become important throughout the world. The constitution recognized national sovereignty, required elections at all levels of government, made the legislature the central authority in government, and set out rights for the criminally accused. Other parts of the constitution reveal a much older world. The constitution has a large section on the king and the royal family, and maintains the Roman Catholic Church as the state religion. This constitution governed Spanish Florida from 1812 to 1815 and then again from 1820 until 1821, when Spain turned Florida over to the United States. Mirow explains the importance of this document to the Spanish colonial world and to Florida. He describes some of the most interesting features of the constitution and its promulgation in St. Augustine. A fresh and authoritative translation of the entire constitution in provided along with the constitution’s original text in Spanish.https://ecollections.law.fiu.edu/faculty_books/1004/thumbnail.jp

    La constitució de Cadis de 1812 i el republicanisme

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    El propòsit d'aquest article és explicar el complex punt de vista dels republicans espanyols sobre la Constitució de Cadis de 1812, especialment, a partir dels treballs de Francesc Pi i Margall i Rafael María de Labra. El primer va ser el principal líder dels federals pensava que les Corts i la Constitució de Cadis van ser molt importants en la revolució espanyola, tot i ser crític amb el model de vertebració de l'Estat de la Pepa i preferir les propostes dels pocs diputats que enyoraven l'austracisme. En canvi, el segon va ser un remarcable líder dels partidaris d'abolir l'esclavitud i de l'autonomia per les colònies espanyoles a les Antilles, però amb gran simpaties per les Corts, els legisladors i la Constitució gaditana, amb un discurs acrític i marcadament nacionalista. En canvi, la major part de les tendències republicanes catalanes consideraven que Catalunya no devia res ni a les Corts gaditanes, ni a les Constitució de 1812.El propósito de este artículo es explicar el complejo punto de vista de los republicanos españoles sobre la Constitución de Cádiz de 1812, especialmente, a partir de los trabajos de Francisco Pi y Margall y Rafael María de Labra. El primero fue el principal líder de los federales pensaba que las Cortes y la Constitución de Cádiz fueron muy importantes en la revolución española, a pesar de ser crítico con el modelo de vertebración del Estado de la Pepa y preferir las propuestas de los pocos diputados que añoraban el ostracismo. En cambio, el segundo fue un notable líder de los partidarios de abolir la esclavitud y de la autonomía para las colonias españolas en las Antillas, pero con gran simpatía por las Cortes, los legisladores y la Constitución gaditana, con un discurso acrítico y marcadamente nacionalista. En cambio, la mayor parte de las tendencias republicanas catalanas consideraban que Cataluña no debía nada ni en las Cortes gaditanas, ni a las Constitución de 1812.The purpose of this study is to analyze the complex point of view of Spanish Republicans regarding the 1812 Constitution, based mostly on Francesc Pi i Margall and Rafael María de Labra's works. Despite his criticism towards Pepa's State's structuring and preferring the proposals of the few parliamentarians who longed Austracisme, Francesc Pi i Margall was one of the main leaders of the Federal movement and he believed the Cadiz Constitution and its Assembly were crucial in the Spanish Revolution. On the other hand, Labra was a remarkable leader of the antislavery movement and demanded autonomy for the Spanish colonies in the Antilles islands. At the same time, he demonstrated a great sympathy towards the Court, the legislators, and the Cadiz Constitution, with his strong patriotic discourse. Contrarily, the majority of Catalan Republicans considered Catalonia was not in debt with the Cadiz Assembly nor the Constitution of 1812